TELOSscope: The Telos Press Blog

Telos Essay Prize Competition

In partnership with the Telos Institute, Telos is launching a new annual essay prize competition, inviting graduate students and post-graduate researchers in the humanities to tell the world about their work.

The competition offers young scholars the opportunity to be published in one of the leading international interdisciplinary journals. The panel of judges, which includes the editorial board of Telos as well as outside judges, is looking for creative, fresh, and original contributions in the area of politics, philosophy, critical theory, theology, culture, and the arts. There is no specific question or theme.

The winning essay will be published in a regular issue of Telos in the course of 2011. The winner will be given a free annual subscription to the journal as well as a free copy of a book published by Telos Press of his or her choice.

The competition is open to MA and PhD students as well as post-graduate researchers who are affiliated with an internationally recognized higher education institution (university, institute, etc.).

All entries must be submitted in English, according to Telos submission guidelines. Submissions should be emailed as a Word attachment to, and should indicate the author’s institutional affiliation. The deadline for submissions is August 1, 2010. Late submissions will not be accepted. The judges reserve the right not to make an award.