Telos 88 (Summer 1991)

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Telos 88 (Summer 1991)
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Limited quantities available. While supplies last.

Populism vs. the New Class:
The Second Elizabethtown Telos Conference
(April 5-7, 1991)

Lawrence Goodwyn
Rethinking "Populism":Paradoxes of Historiography and Democracy

Christopher Lasch
Liberalism and Civic Virtue

Tim Luke
Community and Ecology

Robert D'Amico
The Myth of the Totally Administered Society

Andrew Fraser
Populism and Republican Jurisprudence

Paul Piccone and Gary Ulmen
Democracy and Federalism: Reply to Fraser

Veljko Vujacic and Victor Zaslavsky
The Causes of Disintigration in the USSR and Yugoslavia

John Michael
The Intellectual in Uncivil Society: Michnik, Poland, and Community


Willi Goetschel
Switzerland, for Example: 700 Years Old and Still Going Strong

Russell A. Berman
Intellectuals and the Gulf War in Germany and the United States


Kevin Mattson
American Communitarianism Reconsidered
(Casey Nelson Blake, Beloved Community: The Cultural Criticism of Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank, and Lewis Mumford)

Alan Kimbell and Gary Ulmen
Weber on Russia
(Max Weber, Zur Russischen Revolution von 1905: Schriften und Reden 1905-1912, vol. 10 of the Max Weber Gesamtausgabe)

Guenther Roth
Sachlichkeit and Self -Revelation: Max Weber's Letters
(Max Weber, Briefe 1906-1908, Abteilung II, Vol. 5, Max Weber Gesamtausgabe)

Susanne Peters
The Euromissile Debate in Retrospect
(Jeffrey Herf, War by Other Means: Soviet Power, West German Resistance, and the Battle of the Euromissiles)

Anson Rabinbach
Techno-Cosmopolitanism? French Style
(Paul Rainbow, French Modern: Norms and Forms of the Social Environment)