Telos 199 (Summer 2022): China and the West
China and the West
Any attempt to consider the relationship between China and the West must look to the vision of universality that each side is trying to establish against the other. In this issue of Telos, we consider a variety of ways of defining the overarching perspective from which the comparison between China and the West makes sense.
David Pan
Third Term Comparison
Sijia Yao
China and the West: Methodologies for Comparison
Xudong Zhang
Doing Western Studies in China: Its Nature and Methods
Huimin Jin
The Clash of Civilization and World Community: The West and China
Ban Wang
“China and the West” as Lore and Lure
Haun Saussy
Decentering the “West” and “China” in China–West Comparison
Karen Thornber
Locations of China in World Literature
Yingjin Zhang
Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Its Relations with World Literature
Ning Wang
Toward a Community of Shared Future for Mankind: A Perspective to Compare China and the West
Min Zhou
The Invisible Hand of the Chinese Communist Party
David Pan
Tolerance as Suppressed Disapproval
Tomáš Sobek
Ukraine and World Order
Ukraine and World Order: Today’s Scramble for Eurasia
Timothy W. Luke
Bleeding Ukraine
Mark G. E. Kelly
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Rise of the Nation-State
David Pan
Within an American Grain
Mark S. Weiner
The World Said Built
Mark Wagner
Contemplation in a Restless Age: Byung-Chul Han on Ritual
Steven Knepper