Telos 194 (Spring 2021): Political Theology Today - Institutional Rate

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Telos 194 (Spring 2021): Political Theology Today - Institutional Rate
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Political Theology Today

What does political theology mean today? The idea of political theology begins with the premise that every existing human order is built upon some understanding of ultimate meaning. The task would then be to analyze the kind of meaning that each existing order embodies and determine the kinds of decisions about meaning that are made and need to be made at various points in its history. The essays in Telos 194 examine the political theological underpinnings of economy, politics, technology, and religion, laying out the ways in which these areas of human life develop not as autonomous spheres but as the result of struggles over a set of political theological choices.

David Pan

Three Rival Versions of Monetary Enquiry: The Ideologies of Money
Edward Hadas

Social Capitalism: A Descriptive Sketch
David A. Westbrook

The Dark Enlightenment and the Anthropocene: Readings from the Book of Third Nature as Political Theology
Timothy W. Luke

The New Social Media and the Glory: For a Theological-Political Criticism of the Functioning of Contemporary Liberal Democracies
Giada Scotto

The Intrusion of Slavery into the Time of Schmitt and Shakespeare
Sara-Maria Sorentino

Turmoil in Egypt: Faith, Nationalism, and the Apparent Inadequacies of Liberalism
Beau Mullen

Elham Manea's The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism

On the Question of Moderate Islam
Kacem El Ghazzali

Elham Manea's The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism: An Indispensable Contribution to Our Understanding of a Complex Phenomenon
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The Curious Case of Islamic Reform: Why the Concept of Holy Violence Remains Disputed and How Nonviolent Islamism Is More Than Problematic
Rabab Kamal

Critical Theory of the Contemporary

January 6, 2021: Another Day That Will Live in Infamy?
Timothy W. Luke

Torches, Pitchforks, Smartphones, and Mass Delusion: An American Insurrection
Jay A. Gupta

Trump l'Oeil: Ceci N'est Pas un Coup d'État
Mark G. E. Kelly