Telos 185 (Winter 2018): Democratic Vistas: After the Elections

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Telos 185 (Winter 2018): Democratic Vistas: After the Elections
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Democratic Vistas: After the Elections

There are profound changes underway in our democratic vistas, even if they do not map neatly onto one party or the other, or even onto one president. The partisan rhetoric circus obscures the fact that we are doing democracy differently, reflecting current social and technological shifts, long-standing vectors in the American experiment as well as in the possibilities of politics altogether, topics of traditional political philosophy. Telos 185 brings together a set of contributions to shed light on some of these matters.

Russell A. Berman

Democracy and Imperialism: The United States and Three Modes of Empire
Timothy W. Luke

The End of the Revolution: Mimetic Theory, Axiological Violence, and the Possibility of Dialogical Transcendence
Richard Sakwa

Oath and Office
Mitchell Dean

Universalism, Relativism, and Tolerance
Panajotis Kondylis

Epistemology's Political-Theological Import in Giambattista Vico
Marco Andreacchio

Temporality and Revolution in Horkheimer's Early Critical Theory: A Luxemburgian Reading of Dämmerung
Loralea Michaelis

Bernard Stiegler's Theology of Writing and the Disorientation of Western Modernity
Johann Rossouw

The Death of God, Systemic Evolution, and the Event: On the Temporality of International Law
Walter Rech

Critical Theory of the Contemporary

Two Years of "Making America Great Again"
Timothy W. Luke

Democracy in the Age of Trump
Daniel Innerarity

On the Convergence of Liberalism and Populism
Adrian Pabst


The Context Is the Act: The Concept of Active Audience and Its Material Entanglements
Elena Pilipets

On Slavery and the Study of Surveillance
Sara-Maria Sorentino