Telos 175 (Summer 2016): Political Theory, Political Theology - Institutional Rate

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Telos 175 (Summer 2016): Political Theory, Political Theology - Institutional Rate
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Political Theory, Political Theology

Telos 175 presents a series of articles that examine the relationship of politics to religion, or theory to theology, intersections that have grown increasingly relevant to our contemporary political environment. Critical theory inherited the mission of philosophy to know the world and to pursue the good life, yet that aspiration encountered the limits of intelligibility, beyond which reason could not proceed. The efforts to remake the world in the spirit of reason elicited processes of rationalization, as deleterious to the world around us, the natural environment, as to the world within us, the ongoing cultural crisis of modernity and its social corollaries. With this critical framework in mind, the current issue explores the end of the secularization thesis, the ways in which religion has extensively underpinned and informed structures of modernity, the targeting of religion by the world of theory, as well as a host of related political theoretical and political theological questions.

Russell A. Berman

Insufficient Secularization
Diego Bermejo

Badiou, Paul, and Anti-Judaism: Post-Identity and the Abuse of Ethics
Shira Wolosky

The Ontology of Power, the Failure of Modernity: Insights from a 1954 Gespräch by Carl Schmitt
David Ragazzoni

Beyond Hamlet and Hecuba: Irruption and Play in Carl Schmitt’s Thought
Andrea Mossa

The Political Totalization of Carl Schmitt: Deciding on “the Absolutely Unpolitical”
Inna Viriasova

Redefining the Friend-Enemy Distinction in the War on Terror
Marcus Schulzke

Stirner and the Critique of Political Theology
Saul Newman

Gentlemen and Revolutionaries: Politics and Pedagogy in Strauss and Rancière
Jade Schiff

Power and Representation in Governance “Politics”: An Analysis on the Basis of Claude Lefort’s Work
Femmy Thewissen

Notes and Commentary

Mourning, Solidarity, and “Transversal Grief”: How Judith Butler Misreads Paris
Russell A. Berman


Populism or National-Populism? A Critical Approach to Cas Mudde’s Perspective on SYRIZA’s Populism
Andreas Pantazopoulos

A Jewish Critique of Levinas
Wayne Hudson