Telos 174 (Spring 2016): Philosophy, Literature, Theory - Institutional Rate

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Telos 174 (Spring 2016): Philosophy, Literature, Theory - Institutional Rate
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Philosophy, Literature, Theory

Telos 174 turns to a diverse set of philosophers, contemporary and classical, and questions, concerning ethics and politics on the one hand, and literature and aesthetics on the other. The issue explores a range of topics, including the reception history of Levinas’s statements on the Palestinians; the Hegelian components in Adorno’s aesthetic theory; a translation of Adorno’s late essay on Kierkegaard; Fredric Jameson’s treatment of Paul Ricoeur’s Temps et récit; Czesław Miłosz’s changing encounters with Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain; the contrast of values and virtues in contemporary ethical discourse; Cornelius Castoriadis and the understanding of production in Marx; Ivan Illich and the modern notion of abstract philanthropy; and the disclosive and normative power of everyday speech and the argumentative relevance of literature.

Russell A. Berman

The Faceless Palestinian: A History of an Error
Oona Eisenstadt and Claire Elise Katz

Integration and Critique: The Presence of Hegel in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory
Peter Uwe Hohendahl

Introduction to Theodor Adorno’s “Kierkegaard Once More”
Jensen Suther

Kierkegaard Once More
Theodor W. Adorno

In this Second Case, History: On Fredric Jameson’s Reception of Paul Ricoeur’s Temps et récit
Thomas J. Millay

Czesław Miłosz on Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain
Katarzyna Bałżewska

Values or Virtues, Nietzsche or Aristotle?
Jay A. Gupta

Castoriadis, Marx, and the Critique of Productivism
Sarah Vitale

Modernity and the Economics of Gift and Charity: On Ivan Illich’s Critique of Abstract Philanthropy
Simon Ravenscroft

World Disclosure and Normativity: The Social Imaginary as the Space of Argument
Meili Steele