Telos 158 (Spring 2012): Hans Blumenberg - Institutional Rate
Hans Blumenberg
Guest Editors: Paul Fleming, Rüdiger Campe, and Kirk Wetters
Paul Fleming, Rüdiger Campe, and Kirk Wetters
Passion in Prose
Eva Geulen
On the Edge of Non-Contingency: Anecdotes and the Lifeworld
Paul Fleming
The Scandal of Metaphorology
Anselm Haverkamp
Histories of Technicization: On the Relation of Conceptual History and Metaphorology in Hans Blumenberg
Dirk Mende
Contingencies in Blumenberg and Luhmann
Rüdiger Campe
Working Over Philosophy: Hans Blumenberg’s Reformulations of the Absolute
Kirk Wetters
Between Terror and Play: The Intellectual Encounter of Hans Blumenberg and Jacob Taubes
Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink
Blumenberg, Politics, Anthropology
Brad Tabas
Kyklophorology: Hans Blumenberg and the Intellectual History of Technics
Helmut Müller-Sievers
Herbert Marcuse on the Arab-Israeli Conflict: His Conversation with Moshe Dayan
Zvi Tauber
Protocol of the Conversation between the Philosopher Herbert Marcuse and Israel’s Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, December 29, 1971