Telos 210
Telos 210 · Spring 2025
Rethinking State Power

The essays in Telos 210 consider the ways in which state power interacts with popular attitudes and social institutions in order to establish the basis for sovereignty and law. The issue also features a special section on the prospects for Trump’s second presidency.

Telos 209
Telos 209 · Winter 2024
Democracy Today?

What is the situation of democracy today? Is democracy a stable form of government or a delicate balancing act that will always be at risk of deteriorating and being replaced by some form of authoritarianism? In this issue of Telos, we consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possibilities and limitations, of democracy today.

Telos 208 · Fall 2024
Carl Schmitt and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy

Are liberal democracies inherently unstable? Do they depend on cultural preconditions out of their control for their stability? How can they maintain themselves in spite of the challenges? Focusing on Carl Schmitt's The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, Telos 208 explores the foundations of liberal democracies and the major challenges to their stability.

Telos 207 · Summer 2024
Politics and the University

Telos 207 explores the ways in which politics affect what happens at universities through the lens of both current academic research in China and the recent protests on U.S. campuses over the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the wake of October 7, 2023.

Shards and Specters of the New World Order
Casting Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies as Critique
by Timothy W. Luke

In this wide-ranging and incisive new volume, Timothy Luke traces the trajectory of Soviet and post-Soviet geopolitics, from the ideological dynamics of revolutionary Russia through the Cold War and the "War on Terror" to, most recently, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Approaches: Drugs and Altered States
by Ernst Jünger

Combining elements of memoir and critical reflection on the history of mind-altering substances in society, Approaches attests to Jünger’s belief that drugs can facilitate a deeper spiritual journey into dimensions of human existence that have been eclipsed by the ambient noise of modern life.

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  • Telos 210 (Spring 2025): Rethinking State Power by David Pan Telos 210 (Spring 2025): Rethinking State Power is now available for purchase in our store. Individual subscriptions to Telos are also available in both print and online formats. Frustrating the hopes of cosmopolitans and globalists, state power is back. Rather than imagining a replacement of sovereignty with law, political debates now revolve around the particular forms that state sovereignty might take.… (continue reading)
  • Telos 209 (Winter 2024): Democracy Today? by David Pan Telos 209 (Winter 2024): Democracy Today? is now available for purchase in our store. Individual subscriptions to Telos are also available in both print and online formats. Since the supposed triumph of liberal democracy with the end of the Cold War, democracy seems now to be in retreat. The hung parliaments in France and Germany, reminiscent of the divides of Germany's… (continue reading)
  • Dabashi’s Misrepresentation of Hegel: Hegel, Jews, and Kurds by Peshraw Mohammed Hamid Dabashi's critique—or more accurately, his attack—on Hegel in the article "War on Gaza: How Hegel's Racist Philosophy Informs European Zionism" represents an emerging trend in certain intellectual circles: dismissing European philosophy as fundamentally racist while advancing exclusionary regional ideologies, often excluding nations like Kurds and Jews by denying their identities and national aspirations. While Dabashi ostensibly raises valid concerns about… (continue reading)
  • Telos 208 (Fall 2024): Carl Schmitt and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy by David Pan Telos 208 (Fall 2024): Carl Schmitt and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy is now available for purchase in our store. Individual subscriptions to Telos are also available in both print and online formats. It hardly needs mentioning that liberal democracy is facing a number of threats today, both internal and external. Even if the political parties in the United States cannot… (continue reading)

From the Publisher's Desk

Telos has always celebrated rejuvenation and renewal, and in recent years we’ve embraced that change in a variety of ways. We’ve taken Telos online and digitized our complete archive, allowing institutional subscribers from around the world to access the journal over the Internet. We’ve created a regular conference series in New York City and another more recently in Europe, which have brought together an increasing number of scholars to discuss today’s critical issues in politics and philosophy . . . (continue reading)

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